The Dux de Lux RounDUp competition for 2010 is finally getting off the ground this weekend after receiving a record number of band entries. It's great to hear that things are all set for a great competition but I do seem to recall that several months ago there was an extension for entries due to a lack of interest. (Or did I imagine that?) The event then got an even more significant extension thanks to the 4th September quake. I guess all that earth shaking and extra promotion really fired up some bands, and if you're a fan of this competition like I am, then all those delays have probably been worth it.
With past winners including such great bands as Sleepy Age, The Klap, The Tiger Tones, Bang! Bang! Eche!, Slipstream, The Undercurrents, Shapeshifter, The O’Lovelies, The Deceivers, The Insurgents, Heavy Jones Trio and P Bass Expressway it's clear that ROUNDUP is part of the recipe for a bands success in this city.
So who wants to play a game and see if we can guess who'll go through to the grand final on Saturday 27 November? Probably noone, but that's ok. I can happily make bets with myself and it won't cost me a cent that way! With 56 local bands there's a lot to choose from but my guesses for the final would be based on bands that have a good following already like Carbon Sun, HaYne and the Dance Asthmatics. I'd really like to see Lupus Lunar in there because they are a stonkingly good band, and one more - a band that I haven't seen but have heard good things about - Sandfly Bay. Yep, well I'll guess I'll just have to wait and see how I get on with those bets. That's half the fun and the other half will, of course, be heading along to the Dux to watch it all unfold. See you there!
(See Roundup Facebook page for updates.)
10:00 Custer’s Revenge
10:15 The Shallowz
10:30 Carbon Sun
10:45 Between Two Worlds
11:00 Spacecake
11:15 Mmdelai
11:30 Radar Angel
11:45 Subrosa
12:00 Ty Williams
12:15 Coate
12:30 Valdera
12:45-1:15 - LUNCHBREAK
1:30 Digital Pedestrian
1:45 Dance Monk
2:00 The Knoxx
2:15 The Sam and Eric Show
2:30 Groove Patriots
2:45 Lupus Lunar
3:00 Blood Money
3:15 Mister Pink
3:30 Secondi
3:45 Gigglepop
4:00 Charlotte and the Thump
4:15 Sandfly Bay
4:30 Villain
4:45 Bad Mouth
5:00 Haylar
5:15 Stonehurst
5:30 Triphonics
10:00 Frankenbear
10:15 Gearloose
10:30 Albert
10:45 Masters of Our Universe
11:00 The Dance Asthmatics
11:15 The Miller Thieves
11:30 The Blue Moon
11:45 The Weight
12:00 Pandora’s Box
12:15 Neverdead
12:30 A.R.U
12:45-1:15 LUNCHBREAK
1:30 The Willow Page
1:45 The Response
2:00 Advertising
2:15 HaYne
2:30 C90
2:45 Slamming Bitches
3:00 Canterbury Rams
3:15 Loaded Victim
3:30 Thrill Collins
3:45 Hurry Up and Die
4:00 5th Day of May
4:15 Ashei
4:30 Byte Your Tongue
4:45 Duchess Swift
5:00 Supership
5:15 Madfaces
5:30 Black Sand Sprint
Semi final 1 – Thursday 11th November
Semi final 2 – Friday 12th November
Semi final 3 – Friday 19th November
Semi final 4 – Saturday 20th November
Grand final – Saturday 27th November