
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Three sheets to the Wind (Good Vibrations #3)

The above video is a few snippets of some of the bands at Good Vibrations #3. Keep your expectations LOW in regards to the quality of the video. I've synced it pretty badly here with some pretty basic software.  Eergh. Cest la vie. Buy me a camera. The sound is great thoough and is courtesy of Nick (?) who recorded the entire event for Doctors who were generous enough to give me a copy. Cheers guys!

Good Vibrations #3 hit the Canterbury Bowling Club last Saturday (May 28).
Great line up. Great night. Opened with Nadia Reid, then Doctors, then T54 and finally Von Klap.

I'm still bloody exhausted so have no words just pics. They tell the story well enough. Sorry no pics of Nadia tho cos I was on the door.

The Doctors, shoegazing sonic 6 piece




Two 'D's on the door

Me and Ira



The crowd

Von Klap takes the stage

AND finally the act that got everyone under 25 in Christchurch battling it out for who had the wittiest blog comment....

Tawdry Trainwreck...